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Get to Know It
The renowned ABC Index is now digital: an online guide to raw materials for cosmetic formulations.
For more than three decades, Casa da Cosmetologia has been offering the ABC Index - a powerful tool for the regulatory area and the cosmetics sector as a whole. The guide has become an important reference for the cosmetics raw materials available on the national market.
Watch how it works
30,000+ ingredients
Now in its digital version with over 30,000 ingredients and constantly updated by ABC and suppliers, the ABC Online Index offers organized informations in just one place to the formulators and other professionals in the cosmetic industry for easy research.
What will you find?

30,000+ Ingredients with INCI name, CAS and trade name
INCI name translations into Portuguese
Regulatory Analysis
Suppliers List
Ingredients sorted by Function
Abbreviations and Terms

Brazilian Legislation
European Legislation
FDA Legislation
ANVISA’s Guidelines and Manuals
ANVISA’s Technical Advices
ANVISA’s Technical Notes
ANVISA’s Thematic Library

Agile and reliable solution at your fingertips
Example of the regulatory information that you will find in the ABC INDEX ONLINE

Curated by ABC
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Exclusive for companies that produce, distribute and represent ingredients for the cosmetic industry, with availability in the Brazilian market. The registration of MP's in the ABC Online Index
it's free.
Subject to evaluation by the ABC Technical Committee.

Step by Step
Fill out the DOWNLOAD form to download the standard table (save the file on your computer).
Insert all raw material data into the table, according to the requested information. Files with configuration changes or incomplete information will not be accepted.
After completing the table, fill out the UPLOAD form below and send the completed table file + your company logo in high resolution (500x500px, min. 1Mb and max. 15Mb).
Wait for confirmation from ABC.

Your brand where your customer is
Highlight your brand on the ABC Online Index.
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Luiz Brandão

In the 90s, the Pharmacist and visionary Luiz Brandão presented to the ABC board a project that would fill the gap that researchers and formulators in the national industry were faced with: the lack of a technical-commercial work that compiled the monographs and main active ingredients used in the manufacture of cosmetic products. Until now, there were only international references that did not necessarily match the Brazilian market.
Thus, INDEX ABC was born.
In 1996, the 1st edition of the book was published, in partnership with the author Luiz Brandão, and the reflection of the importance of the national scientific community having this type of source led ÍNDEX ABC to the status of an indispensable work tool for professionals in the cosmetic industry.
The acceptance of INDEX ABC as a bibliographic reference by the National Health Surveillance Agency/Anvisa in cosmetic product registration processes confirmed the reliability of its value. In 1999, a thorough update of the ingredients and suppliers was carried out, which resulted in the 2nd edition of the book, with more than 7,000 monographs.
After a decade, Luiz Brandão and ABC updated the INDEX again and launched its 3rd edition, in partnership with the much broader publisher Pharmabooks, covering a vast number of industries and distributors of raw materials for the cosmetic industry, containing more than 15,000 monographs in alphabetical order by INCI (International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient) adopted in Brazil.
This last book Luiz dedicated to his son André, who was beginning his professional career in cosmetology. Brandão passed away in 2010, leaving the legacy of this work for the Brazilian cosmetic sector, which continues today through the hands of his son, with the permanent partnership of ABC.
“To my son André who, following in my footsteps, motivates me to walk.” Luiz Brandão (in memoriam)

Luiz Brandão
In Memoriam

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